
FREE POST It's an American television series created by Ronald D. Moor. It is the adaptation of the series of fantasy novels The Thistle and the Tartan (Outlander) written by Diana Gabaldon. Claire Randall, a war nurse, is the main character. Married to military man Frank Randall, they leave in 1945 for a trip to Scotland. Claire finds herself alone, transported two hundred years earlier in 1743, in the middle of revolted Scotland. Immersed in an unknown world without any landmarks, she will be confronted with many adventures. In particular, she will meet her husband's ancestor, Captain Jack Randall, who will have to live through the Scottish rebellion. One of the most fervent protagonist of the latter, James Fraser, the Highland warrior will become, alongside Claire, the other main character of the series. Claire Fraser is thus divided between two worlds and two men who are opposed to each other.  Her comfort as a respected a
POST 14: TÂșL LV A : MY INDIVIDUAL DOCUMENT ON THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE CURRENT HEALTH CRISIS The video I have chosen shows striking images of wild animals settling in the largest cities around the world. This is a global pandemic and tragic for humans and the economy. What about animals and the environment ? Bween families of ducks crossing the streets of Tel Aviv without fear and families of otters playing freely in the public lawns of Singapore, what is the future of such a weak environment ?  The halting of the world by almost universal containment, the halting of production, tourism and mass transport has allowed the environment to breathe. Man is shutting himself in and cities are empty. A great many wild animals are venturing into them. However, this change of living environment can be dangerous: a puma that gets into your garden could eat your barbecue but also your children. Other animals suffer from the disappearance of interactions with humans: huge
POST 12 : Spaces and Exchanges : Two cartoons In the first document we can see the store window, from an external point of view. This shop is located on a sidewalk, in a city. A passer-by is certainly on his way to or from work, carrying a schoolbag in his hand, is in costume. He seems to be very interested in the shop window, his neck is in rotation, a slight smile appears on his face. In this electronics shop called "ace computers", we can see in the window three computers and a poster addressed to passers-by. On the latter is written: "Welcome, Eco tourists! Why travel and add to pollution? Stay home and visit exotic travel web sites!" The man passing by on the sidewalk therefore seems to be particularly interested and intrigued by this ad. We will therefore try to interpret this comic strip. The electronic sign, is directly addressed to passers-by, inhabitants likely to work hard without necessarily being able to afford holidays
POST 11: SPACES & EXCHANGES: A MIND MAP First of all it is important to differentiate the two components of the concept "spaces and exchanges". A space is theoretically a delimited area, on a more or less large scale. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. The exchanges can be economic, social, cultural, political. These exchanges, as we can clearly see on the mind map, take place in real or virtual spaces. We will focus on this distinction by studying the two different types of spaces, and then we will focus on the exchanges made on those spaces. First, we will look at different real spaces. Indeed we all know the two great spaces that separate the globe. This limit imagined in 1959, puts on one side the so-called rich and developed countries and on the other the countries which are more behind, less developed. The use of this limit is however to be put into perspective because today countr
FREE INDIVIDUAL POST: A song/video on the ‘SPACES & EXCHANGES’ notion    June 20th, when this song is published, marked the World refugee day, a time for the globe’s citizens to collectively aim their thoughts and compassion towards the 65 million people who have been forced to flee their homes for various reasons. In much of the developing world, things like civil war, poverty, disease, and natural disasters have caused a need for an escape, generally to another country. But the world of political science offers up nothing if not complexity, and sometimes the refugees find themselves uninvited or even banned from crossing certain borders – which leads to even more strife, as the current Syrian refugee crisis has proven.    Rather than translate the issue into film form, actual footage of those suffering the catastrophe’s side effects are shared, really bringing the magnitude and gravity of the problem to life.    Featuring Grammy-winning Jazz vocalis
POST 10: Elephant, a Gus Van Sant movie (2003) 1/ What struck me most was the omnipresence of  the sense of unease and violence in all its forms.  2/ What impressed me was the ability of eric and alex to stay straight in their goal and in their plan.  We never see them doubt or regret.  3/ What I found shocking is when Eric kills Alex suddenly, without explanation, while he tells him about his exploits in the killing.  4/ What I found most worrying is that nobody can act to stop the massacre, the only one who tries is brutally killed while we, spectators had hope.  5/ What is most disturbing was when Eric ans Alex entered the school without any restrictions while they were in combat gear and armed.  Nobody seems to notice them even in the corridors. 6/ The film suggests that the shooters are teenagers like us, in a high school like ours. Artists, gamers, these ordinary teenagers can be anyone. 7/ The director shows that
POST 7,COUNTER-POWER : MARCH FOUR OUR LIVES MOVEMENT       March for our lives is a youth and peaceful movement very powerful in the USA. Create ans addressed for young people, they aspire to make a "Peace Plan for a safer America". They are based on several arguments : the "gun violence epidemic" : every day more than 100 people of different ages and living situations, are the target of a gun fire and victims keep growing. With this plan, 200,000 lives could be saved in 10 years.    But more than just numbers, they speak directly to the next Presidential and Congress with six bold steps.    The movement opposes the gun lobby, the NRA which is still very powerful and is bribing the state. The American people are therefore divided in two parts The pacifist movement is very strong with its important communication, a well thought out website, videos and testimonials. The march of 24 March 2018 was the biggest youth-led protests since the Vietnam war area.