POST 10: Elephant, a Gus Van Sant movie (2003)

1/ What struck me most was the omnipresence of  the sense of unease and violence in all its forms. 

2/ What impressed me was the ability of eric and alex to stay straight in their goal and in their plan.  We never see them doubt or regret. 

3/ What I found shocking is when Eric kills Alex suddenly, without explanation, while he tells him about his exploits in the killing. 

4/ What I found most worrying is that nobody can act to stop the massacre, the only one who tries is brutally killed while we, spectators had hope. 

5/ What is most disturbing was when Eric ans Alex entered the school without any restrictions while they were in combat gear and armed.  Nobody seems to notice them even in the corridors.

6/ The film suggests that the shooters are teenagers like us, in a high school like ours. Artists, gamers, these ordinary teenagers can be anyone.

7/ The director shows that these teenagers are harassed and feel very uncomfortable in this high school. They desire and prepare a terrible revenge facilitated thanks to the American policy which allows too easy access to the weapons and lacks security.

8/ The approach is very artistic, many things are implied, with metaphors or camera games.  Little dialogue, a musical interlude ... All these elements create a realistic and poetic atmosphere.

9/ The realistic aspect allows the appropriation of events.  The spectators meet in the different characters.  In addition, poetry allows several interpretations of the signs launched by the director on the psychologies of the characters.

10/ The Murderers appear to us as pitiful and disturbing.  We could understand their rage and their malaise.  However, the massacre seems excessive: we are not satisfied with revenge.  Indeed, not only the wrongdoers, the "popular" are killed.  The first victim is also another harassed student.  The spectator is not satisfied, he is questioned, upset and touched.


  1. OK but some of your answers are really too short and sketchy.

    10 Questions 08/15
    1- 0,5
    2- 0,5
    3- 0,75
    4- 1
    5- 1
    6- 1
    7- 0,75
    8- 1
    9- 0,5
    10- 1
    Choice & Layout of Pictures: 5/5
    Overall Mark: 13 /20


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